Lao-Thai Ministry

Bayview Church is delighted to minister God’s Word and provide worship opportunities to members of the Southeast Asian communities of San Diego County.

Lao service 2In the late 1970s, thousands of individuals and families from war-torn Southeast Asia immigrated to Southern California. Many of them settled in the SD South Bay area. Flourishing communities of Lao, Thai, and Cambodians (as well as others) grew up as a result.

RE Bouala PhosaathIn the early 1980s,  Bayview  began to reach out to these visitors with the gospel of Jesus Christ. God graciously sent Mr. Bouala Phosaath and his family to us, and he began to minister to fellow Laos. Able to speak both Lao and English, he became the bridge for ministry to these recently displaced peoples. Mr. Phosaath was later ordained as a ruling elder and serves on the Bayview session.

Worship services and Sunday school classes for the Lao-Thai congregation are conducted at the Bayview facility on Sunday afternoons at 1:30 PM. On the first Sunday of each month,

Lao service 1

they join with the English-speaking congregation for morning worship and our regular fellowship meal. Elder Phosaath also conducts weekly Bible studies during the week.

Our Lao-Thai congregation also enjoys fellowship with SE Asian groups affiliated with other local evangelical churches, and they hold a number of joint-services and holiday celebrations together.