About Us

Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church is a member congregation of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, a denomination of Bible-teaching churches that has been planting new churches and preaching the gospel since 1936. As a denomination, we are fully committed to helping people develop a Christian way of thinking and living. The OPC is a member of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Churches. It is not affiliated with the National or World Council of Churches.

The purpose of Bayview Orthodox Presbyterian Church is to glorify God:

The heart of our ministry at Bayview Church is the corporate worship of God, centered around the public proclamation and exposition of the Word of God in Holy Scripture and the celebration of the sacraments of the new covenant. We recognize, however, that spiritually healthy Christians need more care and feeding, and a fruitful “body life” requires many opportunities for getting together and using whatever gift we have received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10). Listed below are some of the regular ministries by which we try to achieve that goal.